Some Favorite Listens + Reads // A Season of COVID-19




I’ve ALWAYS loved podcasts! Whether they’re my company on a long drive or background education while I sit at my desk - I so appreciate what I’ve soaked up from each one! During social distancing and COVID quarantining, podcasts have been even more valuable to me! It’s an endless amount of learning, challenging topics, and thought provoking conversations. So, if you need a break from whatever else has become a part of your COVID routine, check out a few of these, just some current faves…

// Brené Brown’s “Unlocking us- so so so applicable for right now and has given me so many resources to internally process life at the moment!

// Armchair Expert - Dax Shepherd is always entertaining with his different interviews on this podcast. You get the “laugh” AND the “serious” on this one haha!

// NPR Up first - I try to start each day listening to this. It’s a quick way to get a very brief update on a few current events, usually no more than 15 minutes an episode. I like it because it doesn’t overload me with news to begin the day, but keeps me in the loop!

// The Daily NTY - Another good “not-too-long” daily news source!

// Chatty Broads - Ahhh man, I’m full #broadsquad from day 1! Listening to this podcast makes me feel like I’m grabbing a glass a wine and chillin’ with girlfriends! They cover everything from body image, sexuality, spirituality, and of course… reality tv (aka guilty pleasure hehe).

// How I Built This - This podcast always inspires me! I love hearing about other entrepreneurs who chased a dream and made it happen!

// Other People’s Problems - Talk about heart health and vulnerability. Not to mention, I love Hillary McBride who hosts this podcast. Her bio says it best, “Real people. Real problems. Real talk. Normally, therapy sessions are totally confidential — but this podcast opens the doors.”

// TED Radio Hour - Always a good go to! Every time I listen I walk away with new insight on an interesting topic!

// NPR Code Switch - Can you tell I love NPR? This one has such good food for thought! “What's CODE SWITCH? It's the fearless conversations about race that you've been waiting for! Hosted by journalists of color, our podcast tackles the subject of race head-on. We explore how it impacts every part of society — from politics and pop culture to history, sports and everything in between. This podcast makes ALL OF US part of the conversation — because we're all part of the story.”

// On Being with Krista Tippett - A good podcast if you want to have some heart to heart with yourself.




Friends, I’m a SLOW reader! I’m also a “I’m-reading-3-books-at-the-same-time” kind of person! So, here are a few wonderful wordy things that come in different forms and have been life giving and thought provoking for me during this time with many days of rest.


This is one specific article that had me saying “wow, yes” for most of the read through. “Why You Should Ignore All That Coronavirus-Inspired Productivity Pressure” - an important conversation we should be having. I highly recommend reading this and listening to the Unlocking Us podcast episode “On Comparative Suffering…” right after reading the article. SUCH a good pairing!


I started reading the book “Heart Talk” by Cleo Wade a bit before the pandemic started. I made it my nightly ritual to read just a few pages. And now, it’s so fitting for the processing I’m going through. A mix of poetry and journal-esque thoughts, Cleo is so good at word-walking us through a heart’s journey to becoming it’s best self. I love ending the day with her words.


Another read that I just recently finished, is the book “A Road Back to You” by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile. If you’re into the enneagram (or not yet), this book is SO good to give a foundation to that self-discovery. I’ve been learning about the enneagram for the past 4 years now, and have LOVED the lens it's given me to see myself and others through!


My “Feeling Forward” Pinterest collection. Over the years I’ve put together a board of poems, stories, and encouraging words for days when I just need to read some truths. So, if you need a little affirmation today, go save one of these that resonates with you - make it your background or print it out and tape it on the wall. We all need little reminders of truth during this weird season of life!




Oh man, music is huge for me. There are evenings where my “calming thing” to do is just make playlists and go down Spotify rabbit holes of finding new music. SO, I wanted to share some of my current playlists and listenings.

I build my Playlists off of two things - I have a folder full of “Vibe” playlists for different feelings, and a folder full of “seasons” where I’ve made a playlist for different phases of life from 2012 until now.

My latest playlist that I add to regularly is called “New Season / vol. 3” and is full of songs that resonate with me in this time of life. Check it out and see if you find any new songs you love! Share them on your Insta story if you do and tag me, I’d LOVE to see which ones you’re drawn to most!

These are a few playlists I’ve made AND follow that are peaceful and relaxing - consider them a good listen if you need to take some deep breathes and recenter.

I. To be still

II. Anxiety

III. Ambient Relaxation

IV. Peaceful Meditation

BONUS: For any white noise lovers (sometimes I need it to help me fall asleep if my thoughts are too busy), check out “Flight to Amsterdam” - it’s so soothing to me!




A few other things that have been helpful to me are these mindfulness practices. I think one thing we can be grateful for during this time, is the ability to shape new routines and healthy mind and heart choices. Here are a few things I’ve been trying to be better at implementing…


This doesn’t need to be a long commitment - it can be anything you want! I started with trying to do a short 5-10 minute stretching and breathing routine when I wake up and right before I get in bed. It’s simple and easy to add to your routine! Check out “Yoga with Adriene” for a bunch of different type of sessions you can check out!


Don’t be intimidated by this! Meditating is so so so good and helps so much with anxiety or stress (which we all are experiencing in different ways during COVID)! I do my best to spend a little bit each day just closing my eyes and trying to bring my mind and heart into the right place. These are my two favorite guided meditations at the moment, they make it simple and easy…

I. The Liturgist Meditation Series

II. Meditation Oasis (super helpful with falling asleep ones)


Another thing I love to do is look up different nature sounds on Spotify. It’s soothing to find a “spacial” sound that’s familiar and calming. It’s nice to just lay on the couch and close my eyes to one of these playlists…

I. Nature Sounds

II. Night Storms

III. Sounds of the Ocean

IV. Crickets, Cicadas, & Frogs

V. Birds in the Forest


I hope all these things can be something that give you peace and refreshment in your new routine! I would LOVE to hear about what stuck with you most or what you’ve tried that you now can’t get enough of! So, if you listen, read, or try any of these faves, let me know!! xx