Downtown Portland Rooftop Couple Photos — Corrie Mahr Photography - Oregon Wedding Photographer

Downtown Portland Rooftop Couple Photos



I get a lot of questions about finding cool rooftop locations in Portland for couple photos! Honestly, it’s SO much about the exploring! I love love love rooftops and the little sanctuary they are in the city hustle and bustle. They give you all the urban vibes while still holding a stillness and privacy above all the crowds and traffic!

So, if you love this session and all the building-top vibes, let’s chat and plan a city adventure together! We can even make a quick pitstop at the food trucks, Blue Star Donuts, or Stumptown coffee, ya feel?? LET’S. DO. IT.

Rachel and Sam were a freaking blast!! The joking and sassiness was endless, I’m pretty sure ONE of the three of us was laughing at all times! Sure, you might think, “what is there to really do in a small space of cement on top of a building?” Well, we had so much fun – lot’s of people watching from above, frolicking back and forth, exploring little hidden corners and stairwells, and – of course – still a lot of snuggles and PDA.

A funny moment that I still remember from this day was when Rachel and Sam were standing against one of the walls and there was a bottle on the ground at her feet. I – trying to save myself some time in photoshop later – asked if she would just quick move it a few feet to her left. WELL……. when she went to pick it up she realized it was FULL OF HUMAN PEE… to the brim!!!!!! We all screamed laughing! Yep, some of those cutes-y laughing photos you’ll see, thanks to the pee bottle haha! ;) All that said, Photoshop was worth it in the end and you’ll never know which ones have our inside joke hiding under some cloning!

 SO, check out these two lovebirds and all their goofiness!

The places I mentioned above… you gotta go -