A time to reflect: 2017

2017 in little pieces of pictures. 

(photo of myself by Becky Weitzman)

found more time for street photography

my first full season of wedding photography


plus kauai...

this year is made up of so many people + places

couldn't have done it without this guy. Cheers to all the new things 2018 holds, I'm stoked!

Our wedding.

Holy wow. So many words for this day, but I feel like these pictures are each worth 1,000+ (or at least, that's what they say). 

There was so much joy and excitement in seeing this day come together after months of dreaming and planning! We sweat through the heat waves, laughed through the little imperfections and embraced being present; it was everything we wanted the day to be and more. 

So, so thankful for everyone that surrounded us, from near and far (this side of the ocean and the other), we felt so loved and championed by our people!  

ps. Olivia Strohm Photography captured the day so beautifully, and the memories feel even more alive now. 



So excited to start life with this guy, and can't believe how fast this season of engagement is already flying by! 

Also, so thankful for these bomb photos (shout out to Olivia Strohm... she's the greatest, even though we made her trudge through knee deep snow for an hour)! 

There & back

Over spring break a few friends and I did a road trip that took us through Arches, Zion and Yosemite. I hope you enjoy this space of small glimpses (worth more than 1,000 words) and snippets of journal excerpts from along the way. 

"This has been a time full of good friendship, all night drives, and soaking up new places. It's reminded me that there is more than just a physical journey, but a pilgrimage of the heart...from one place to the next, experiencing each new space was a process that felt important. I'm reminded to breathe deeply, heart open to the beauty and the wild."

"11:00 am beginnings, 4:00 am endings. Playlists on playlists, talking, pit stops at rest areas and yoga at midnight, we had insane amounts of caffeine to get us through all night drives. We slept 2 hours in a parking lot this morning and woke up with dazed minds, but were greeted with sunrise bliss over Arches. We conquered 16 hours of driving, one of the many night drives to come. Cheers to the days ahead."   

"Life is not a loop... each journey is an individual process that feels vital, an experience that we are invited to live into. A space of contemplation. Heart open. I'm trying to step into that space, to peel away the layers of hurt & toxicity and to understand the deepest parts of who I am. Embrace the pilgrimage."  

"Lean in, soak, and be drenched by the beauty and the wild."