When Amy first reached out to me about capturing her and Sam’s elopement in the Australian Blue Mountains, I was blown away. “You want ME, from all away across the world, to capture YOUR day?!” It was the biggest honor to be chosen from so far away.
So, my husband (whatta a champ) and I made the trek across the ocean to Australia to hang out with these two babes and celebrate their love story with them!! Yep, we even got to be their witnesses. How cool is that?!?! All I can say is, we may have started the day out as strangers, but there was a special and quick bond that formed between us. And, now I’m sad that we live a 24+ hour travel day away!!
We started the day off at their adorable little Airbnb before beginning the adventure. Sam put his pineapple tie on to complete the suave look, and Amy laced up her Converse shoes, all ready for exploring the day away!
We watched the weather maps as storms rolled in and out, fingers crossed and praying the thunder and rain would pass! We finally had a little window and made our way out to a secluded look out point. They said their vows in an intimate ceremony, and we celebrated in the sun beams as the dark clouds stayed on the horizon.
It was truly a magical day. We drove explored several different spots of the Blue Mountains, each with unique, beautiful views! Everything was absolutely breathtaking. We wandered through rain forests, climbed on boulders, sat on cliff edges with feet dangling over (yep, scroll down), and soaked up every joyous moment of the day.
Right as we said goodbye to the views and walked towards the car, a massive fog bank rolled in and covered everything with a thick dark cloud. We all screamed and laughed at how perfect all the timing was!! It was an incredible day!
Australia stole my heart, the blue mountains stole my heart, but most importantly, Sam and Amy’s elopement stole my heart. Their love for each other was so moving, and the adventurous way they chose to commit forever to one another was inspiring.
These two are such gems!

want to go explore the Blue Mountains? DO IT! It is so so so incredible!
there are so many rad places to stay right around the national park! Check it out!