A COVID-19 Client Guide


A COVID-19 Client Guide


We’re all navigating this strange season together.

My heart seriously goes out to all the small business owners and their clients who are maneuvering these tough times and trying to structure new ways and systems of doing things. I wanted to create something that was easy and affordable to help!

My hope is that this guide will be a small way to relieve a bit of stress - to take away from that email you’ve been copy + pasting, and give you space to clearly lay out all the information and next steps for your lovely clients. It’s also a place to give them ease and help them through the process as smoothly as possible. I hope it can be a foundation for clear and easy communication as we all figure out how to work through these confusing times.


  • 7 pages // option to duplicate for more or delete for less

  • Ideas for page content

  • Fully customizable to fit your brand and communication style

  • Comes with step by step instructions (video and PDF)

  • All files in psd. (Photoshop)

Need help? Shoot me an email!
