Corrie Mahr Photography - Oregon Wedding Photographer

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2016. What a year.

I’ve learned that good conversations can happen naturally, but also at times require intentional time and nurturing. I’ve learned that letting go is hard, but recognizing needed space is good. I’ve learned that healing comes in empty meadows and walks on mountaintops, that it comes in quiet places, but also during long drives with the music turned all the way up. I’ve learned that the truth about yourself can come from your own mouth, and wow, it’s so powerful. I’ve learned that growth comes in the face of being honest with pain. I’ve learned that identity is fragile, but will always be beautiful when placed in the hands of a Love that is wild and pure and wholeheartedly pursing you. I’ve learned that trusting someone fully means reconciling with your fears and insecurities. I’ve learned that commitment is holy and beautiful, and choosing it is a crazy adventure. I’ve learned to honestly and wholeheartedly pursue creativity and I’ve learned that photos can savor more than a 1,000 words.

2016 has been a crazy season, and one of remembering to cherish the moments. A year of moving forward and dreaming bigger and allowing my heart to acknowledge all that is good and lovely. A year of holding hands and comforting embraces; of laughing on lakesides, coffee dates, and quiet moments watching stars. These are all pieces of what have made this season so honest and beautiful. I’ve been reminded of all the good things in my life, and that tomorrow is always a new day, and a new season. 

And as I reflect, I feel an overwhelming sense of thankfulness; for new places explored and for familiar cities revisited, for crowded days and for restful spaces in between, for long plane rides and beautiful road trips, for creativity and the opportunities to capture moments and spaces, and for all the people that have shared with and added to stories along the way. 

Cheers to 2016, and here's to 2017 - another year of new adventures, dreaming bigger and savoring the moments along the way!